Stillborn (still more continued)

      …..And Jehovah was just getting started. Remember, He’d given Lot, Lot’s wife, and a few other pious townspeople safe passage out of the two heretical, decadent party towns he was apparently planning to nuke. God’s mercy towards these faithful few was...

Stillborn (continued)

     The Catholics’ Jesus seemed far more flexible. Simply confess to, say, the violence thou had inflicted in self-defense last Friday on thy neighbor after he caught thou in a hotel room engaged in unmentionables with his wife during a champagne lunch catered by...


Stillborn       A Unitarian friend once observed that the only occasion he could recall hearing “Jesus Christ” aloud in his church was the time the custodian tripped and fell down the stairs. Yet set alongside my family, even the least pious of Unitarians would come...

Bored of Education

Part 1 Elementary Public School 91      In the space of less than two hours the Japanese surprise attack on Hawaii’s Pearl Harbor, that abruptly forced us into the Second World War destroyed the greater part of the United States’ Pacific fleet along with...

New Blog Series Announcement

Have been working on my memoirs recently (Working title: “Attention Span Short” and in the coming posts will be sharing excepts from the current draft. Enjoy Below follows a current working version of About the Author: ABOUT THE AUTHOR I came into this...